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Author: Tobiasz Trawinski

Aim: A Handy Workbook to help students understand Linear Mixed Effects Models through worked examples and self-tests.

Note: This book is a living document and will be regularly checked and updated for improvements. This book is still in development and any issues or suggestions can be emailed to Tobiasz Trawinski.

R Version: This book has been written with R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)

Citation: Trawinski, T., (2023). Workbook for Linear Mixed Effects Models.

Acknowledge: I would like to thank:

Denis Drieghe for introduction to Linear Mixed Effect Models.

Reinhold Kliegl and Shravan Vasishth for their annual statistics summer school.

Haiyang Jin for challenging my statistical understanding.

This book was inspired by a fantastic initiative of PsyTeachR team from the University of Glasgow, School of Psychology and Neuroscience.